
Doctor specializing in endocrine surgery in Catania, Syracuse, Ragusa, Enna and Agrigento

Costa Dr. Vincenzo endocrine surgeon is one of the most reliable endocrinology specialists in the whole of Sicily. He receives at private practices and outpatient clinics in Catania, Syracuse, Ragusa, Enna, and Agrigento, at the Santa Lucia nursing home in Syracuse, and at the Mediterraneo clinic in Ragusa: in the latter two facilities, he is in charge of endocrine surgery.

If you are in need of a true expert in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid and parathyroid changes and pathologies, contact our offices in Catania and Floridia now.

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Interventions planned according to patient needs

After accurately diagnosing the problem you are suffering from and carefully evaluating your condition, the endocrine surgeon will propose the treatment that best fits the condition to be treated or the dysfunction to be reduced or corrected altogether.

In particular, Dr. Costa specializes in minimally invasive, state-of-the-art surgical techniques. The specialist and our staff are at your disposal in the provinces of Syracuse, Catania, Ragusa, Enna and Agrigento: call or write us for more information.

  • thyroid surgeries

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  • thyroid ultrasonography

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The specialist's interventions and areas of interest

The endocrine surgeon has long studied diseases of the endocrine glands (adrenals, thyroid, parathyroids) and those of phospho-calcium metabolism.

He performs diagnosis and all necessary checkups in case of carcinoma and personally performs general surgery, thyroidectomy, as well as nodule removal if deemed minimally invasive.

Specifically, our outpatient clinic is a reference in Floridia and Catania in the performance of innovative interventions, characterized by low impact on the patient and therefore suitable for all ages, such as M.I.V.A.T. interventions, which consist of video-assisted thyroid removal and P.L.A. type interventions, i.e., percutaneous ultrasound-guided thermoablation with laser. 

Call for a consultation with the endocrine surgeon

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